Member      Term Expires     
Boemmels, Maggie, Secretary 07/31/2026
Crawford, Luana, Treasurer 07/31/2024
Delldonna, Emily 07/31/2024
Ianetta, Sara 07/31/2025
Kennedy, Deniel 07/31/2025
Libby, Jessica 07/31/2026
McCoy, Heather, Chair 07/31/2024
Murphy, Rebecca 07/31/2024
Basketball Committee  
Boemmels, Maggie, Chair  
Libby, Jessica  
Murphy, Rebecca  

Heather McCoy Chairman email-

Welcome to Alfred Parks and Recreation
The Parks & Rec Committee is working very hard to provide our community with as many safe and fun programs for all.  Check our site often to keep yourself up to date on the latest activities and please join us whenever you can. 

Alfred Parks & Recreation Committee meets the 1st Sunday each month 6:00PM at Town Hall.

Like us on FACEBOOK for updates and events! 

Members must be at least 18 years of age. Park and Recreation Committee members are appointed by the Board of Selectmen and must be sworn before assuming their duties.
The Committee shall consist of at least five but not more than 11 members.  A quorum shall consist of a simple majority of members who are qualified to vote. The term of each member shall be two years, however, the initial terms shall be staggered in two-year terms. When there is a permanent vacancy, the Board of Selectmen must appoint a new member to serve for the remainder of the unexpired term.
Any subcommittee formed must be presided over by a voting member of the Parks and Recreation Committee.

The Alfred Park and Recreation Committee shall develop and organize a variety of activities and programs for the citizens of Alfred.
The Alfred Park and Recreation Committee shall maintain and develop the Alfred Park on Kennebunk Road/School Street as well as any other land or facility accepted by the Town and authorized to be used for Park and Recreation Committee activities.
The Alfred Park and Recreation Committee shall oversee the use and maintenance of facilities and equipment authorized to be used for Park and Recreation Committee activities.
The Alfred Park and Recreation Committee shall educate citizens in the proper use of its facilities and equipment. The Alfred Park and Recreation Committee shall report present activities as well as future plans to the Board of Selectmen at least quarterly.

Officers & Duties
Officers of the Park and Recreation Committee shall consist of a Director, Secretary and Treasurer to be elected annually at the July meeting from among Committee members.

Director: The Director shall preside at all Committee meetings and shall have authority to rule on questions of evidence and procedure, to maintain order and determine the course of proceedings, and to take such action as may be necessary and not inconsistent with any law to enable the Committee to perform its duties and conduct its affairs. The Director, together with the Committee, shall set the agenda for each meeting. The Director, or an appointed representative of the Committee, will attend the quarterly Town Council Meetings to communicate the business of the Park and Recreation Committee.

Secretary: In the absence of the Director the Secretary shall preside and have the same authority as the Director. The Secretary shall maintain a permanent record of Committee meetings and all correspondence of the Committee. The Secretary will prepare minutes for and present them at monthly meetings. The Secretary will submit reports of the Committee's work for publication in the Town's annual report and Web site.

Treasurer: The Treasurer will be responsible for monthly record-keeping of incoming and outgoing monies.  The Treasurer will report to the Committee at its monthly meeting. All Committee fees/money collected and or donated will be turned over to the Town by an officer of the Committee.

Meetings & Attendance
Regular meetings of the Committee shall be on a monthly basis as agreed upon by its members or as otherwise necessary or required by law. No business may be conducted by the Committee except at a duly called meeting and with a quorum consisting of the majority of the Committee being surveyed and voting. Committee members shall not be absent from more than three consecutive Committee meetings without notifying a member of the Committee of the absence. Failure to notify the Committee shall create a presumption that the Committee member has resigned his or her membership on the Committee. The Director will inquire about the person's intentions a final time before informing the Selectmen of the vacancy on the Committee. Any income or donations associated with the Park and Recreation Committee will be made payable to the Town of Alfred. Said funds will be turned over to the Selectmen with documentation regarding the intended use on at least a monthly basis and will be accepted and appropriated by the Board of Selectmen. Said funds will be held within the General Fund without interest until expended by a Selectmen's warrant signed by a majority of the Alfred Selectmen.